Meet the Mom Monday - Robin Truxel, owner of tru PILATES and trustrongmama

Tell us a little bit about yourself and how you support the Charlottesville community?

I believe a mom's well-being is priority number one and I work with moms (both prenatally and post partum) on how to connect to their core, improve strength and awareness and movement patterns so they can feel their best and have more energy. I blend Pilates, stretch therapy and physical therapy and how to apply to daily habits (how to stand/walk/get out of bed when pregnant, how to lift baby off floor, baby wearing, lift carseat, etc) and help moms return safely to their exercise of choice. I see moms in person or virtually or a combo of the two. I have a mom specific class, called morning truBREW on M/W/F from 6:30am-7:15am (the class can be done live or as desired with the recording).

If we want to support you and learn more about your business, how can we find you? 

@trustrongmama - A work in progress!

What inspired you to start your own business?

Since the age of 14, I have been wanting to help people feel better in their bodies.  After physical therapy school, I discovered Pilates and fell in love and opened tru PILATES in 2005. I started trustrongmama, a sister business to truPILATES, in 2019 and am just getting it off the ground, although I have been working with pregnant women and mamas for almost 20 years.

What advice would you give to another mom looking to start her own business?

Get really clear on the "why", get the book MOMENTUM by Lynette Xanders and go through it all. Hire out the things that take away from your passion (accounting, social media, etc). Talk with other female entrepreneurs. I am lucky to have many girlfriends who own businesses to bounce ideas off of and I had a LOT of help in the beginning from people with lots of experience.

How do you manage home life and work life? 

This is always a moving target for me and since I have learned to embrace the chaos it has gotten easier! I set certain hours that I will respond to work emails/texts/calls so I can really focus on the kids when I am with them. In the last year, I have worked really hard to have "transition" times so I am not running from a client straight to the kids. Instead, I have some downtime (just 10-15 minutes) so I am relaxed when I pick them up. I am constantly working on organizing and streamlining our home and my businesses so things can run more smoothly. I have someone help out with kid pick up, laundry, food prep 8-10 hours/week which is a life saver!

What are your top 3 must dos in the Charlottesville/surrounding area?

Hike all of the beautiful places (our faves are sugar hollow, white rock, free union)

Enjoy the amazing music (outdoor concerts at Chisholm are amazing!)

Eat all of the yummy food!

What is your favorite Green Bean product and why?

So many! Green Bean is my go to for all baby and mama gifts! My absolute fave has been the super soft pajamas, Little Sleepies! And a beautiful wooden beaded necklace that I could wear but my son could chew on.

Tell us one of your favorite “mom hacks”!

Make extra dinner and use it for lunches the next day; pack lunches at night. With COVID I got out of meal planning and it threw me for a loop. When I meal plan/shop on Sundays, the week goes much more smoothly!

Share one of your family’s favorite recipes!

Miso vegetable soup (vegan, great for the immune system, good for breakfast, my children (Ages 3 and 5) LOVE it)

1 yellow onion, chopped

6 garlic cloves, chopped


4 carrots, chopped

8 celery stalks, chopped

1/2 white cabbage, chopped thinly

5 oz shitake mushrooms, sliced

2 cans pinto beans, drained and rinsed

3 32 oz containers vegetable broth

1/2 cup miso master mellow white miso (or other miso you like)

1/2 bunch kale, chopped

cayenne, to taste


1. heat EVOO medium heat in large soup pan

2. Add onion/garlic and cook until translucent

3. Add carrots, celery, cabbage, mushrooms, beans, broth and salt and pepper and stir

4. Turn up heat, bring to a boil,lower heat, add lid and simmer x 10 minutes

5. Add miso and kale. Add salt and pepper, cayenne and cook 5 minutes until kale wilts over low heat

6. Enjoy! serve solo or over spaghetti squash, cous cous, rice noodles, etc.

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